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Thomas Gates

Hoel Hundley

Thomas Munson

Silas Pease



Charles Davis

John Dent, Sr.

Ignatius Fenwick

Robert Haislip

William Hoffman

John Richards



Thomas Bliss

Ichabod Chandler

Jonathan Chandler

Asa Gage 

Enoch Greenleaf

Joseph Lewis 

John Sweet


New Hampshire

Christopher Cary

Nehemiah Davis


New Jersey

William Davis, Jr.


New York
Abner Tremain
North Carolina

Thomas Rowland

William Tatum 

South Carolina

Thomas Stroud



Christopher Cary 

Joshua Hazen 


Rhode Island

Henry Bliss

Charles Spooner

John George Bager
Christian Eby

Daniel Evans
Daniel Eyster
Philip Grosh
John Hefflefinger
Anthony Hinkle
John Johnson
David Nickey

Nathaniel Redd
James Whitaker

Henry Back

Uriah Blue

Thomas Craig, Jr.

Thomas Craig, Sr.

Arthur Eanes

Edward Eanes

Thomas Edwards

Samuel Ferguson

Owen Franklin

Richard Gaines

William Gaines

Francis Gilley

Henry Haislip

George Fuller Harris

Henry Hartless

William Hartless

Henry Heath

John Hunter

John Jameson

Thomas Jones

Henry Lansford

Cottrell Lively

William Cordra Maples

Richard Marshall

Charles Massey

John Massey

Daniel Maupin, Sr.

George McDaniel 

John McDaniel 

Jacob McNeil

John Pace

Richard Paine

Nathaniel Parish

William Peters

Robert Prunty

Joseph Rice

Ambrose Rucker

Isaac Rucker

Richard Shelton

William Sledd

George Speake

Joseph Tweedy

Essex Worsham

Benjamin Wright

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The content contained herein does not necessarily represent the position of the NSDAR.  Hyperlinks to other sites are not the responsibility of the NSDAR, the state organizations, or individual DAR chapters.

All photos courtesy of Susan Reeves except where otherwise noted.

Site last updated December 18, 2024

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